
Privacy Policy

Florist on David is committed to the protection of your personal information whilst making purchases at or through any of our other sales channels.

What information is gathered and tracked?

In order for Florist on David to provide its various services, some personal information is asked of users of its various sales channels. This information may include your name, e-mail address, a password, contact phone number, credit card type, credit card number and credit card expiration date.

When you make a purchase we also collect information that allows us to make-up and deliver your order; this includes the name, address and phone number of the intended recipient(s) as well as personalised card messages.

What are Cookies and why we give them out.

Cookies are small, unique identifier text files sent to your browser by a web server - they are stored on your computer's hard drive. There are a number of uses for cookies: e-commerce sites use them for shopping carts, some sites use them to identify a repeat visitor and others use them to help with advertising. It's the versatility of cookies that make them so useful in enhancing and customising your online shopping experience. The use of cookies is an industry standard and most major websites use them. Most Internet browsers are pre-set to accept cookies. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can adjust your Internet browser to disable cookies or to warn when cookies are being used.

Florist on David will not sell or release your personal information to any third parties under any circumstances (unless required by law or in cases where unlawful activity, such as fraudulent credit card use, is suspected).

Florist on David will share personal customer information only with our agents, representatives and service providers and contractors for the limited purpose of fulfilling customer orders.

it is mandatory information required for your registration application.

What else you should know about privacy.

Remember to close your browser when you have finished your user session. You as an individual are responsible for the security and access to your own computer.

Ultimately, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your username, passwords and any account information.


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